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6 Benefits To Blogging

Jerome Cleary

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Blogging is the best way to tell your story and get your content out for branding.

Should you blog or should you continue to blog is one of the most common questions people ask or ponder. The ways in which a blog can contribute to a company’s web presence is by positioning your company and you in a place as a legitimate expert and authority on a specific subject or topic. Blogging is the only way to update what you are doing with your company, life or product. Blogging gives you a direct route to speak your mind on where you are at that moment with your process and your business.

There are 6 great benefits of adding a blog to your website which are:

1. Positions you as an expert in your field.

2. Legitimizes what your company does.

3. Enhances your SEO positions on Google and other search engines.

4. Continues to establish your brand.

5. Constantly forces you to come up with current topics and subjects that are interesting for your clients and potential clients.

6. Makes you more available and present for possible media placements for TV, radio, blogs, websites, newspapers and magazines.

So how do you keep blogging and make it interesting and fun? Well by now you get tons of emails from other companies and business with a variety of topics in the subject box of the email or in the actual article or information. And from there you can be inspired by that or by what you are thinking about or just read about online. People want to know what is happening all the time and never before in 2017 do people yearn to want to be in the know and be on top of things.

So you can break down your blogging daily or you can do it on one day each week in a word document and then break it down to separate blog entries. Blog entries can be anywhere from 50 words to 100 words to 800 words or more. It's easier to keep it at 100 to 400 words as most readers can only read so much and might get overwhelmed by a really long blog article and possibly lose interest.

For more info: or 310 920-2424

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