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21 Tips To Guide Your Publicity Campaign

Jerome Cleary

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Whether you hire a public relations company or do your own publicity it is important to have handy tips on how to get the most out of your PR.

1. It’s time to be more open-minded to the PR gifts right in front of you everyday. Bloggers can be your best friend with what is happening.

2. Does your story have the right angle to be news? Do you think you have something great to promote? Then it may be time to hire a publicist.

3. Give your publicist your trust to do their work well. You hired them to do what they do best so let them do it.

4. Make PR part of your present business model. Branding is enhanced further with PR and many companies know this. This is why they have a publicist on their team.

5. Keep a strong foundation for your brand. Do not stray from your brand or water down your brand with too many mixed messages.

6. Choose the right PR person to represent your brand. There are perfect fits for each person when deciding on who is going to be your point person.

7. Do not participate in random haphazard pitching. Know your message, know your story and stick with your vision.

8. Never underestimate what could be your own media magic recipe. Suddenly you may have great insight that pulls it all together and tells a specific story.

9. Hire only a PR company that does research and is on top of things. Stay away from PR firms that do not listen.

10. Get out of your own way. You have hired your PR company now let them do their job.

11. Refine the media lists and then refine them again. Get your niche right to focus on the goals.

12. Be aware of a realistic time line and be patient. It’s not push the button PR. Many clients think that it’s like a half hour TV show where they hire the PR firm in one scene and then by the end of the half hour the company is now on top of the world and a new media darling. It all takes time.

13. Invest in PR for your brand. The companies not using PR are not in the competitive market with their business rivals.

14. Know and understand your audience you are targeting. Your company cannot be in all demographics in keeping customers. There has to be a target consumer so find it and stick to it.

15. Hire a public relations firm that gets you and gets it. You will feel the chemistry and feel that they get you and that is the PR team you should hire.

16. Understand what public relations really mean. Media placements are better than traditional ad dollars. If it appears in the media as news stories then this is great editorial for the masses to read and hear. Local news segments, national news stories, radio shows, websites and blogs may want to feature your story.

17. Always have a crisis management plan. Anything can happen today or tomorrow so be prepared.

18. Don’t pitch the wrong media targets. Nothing is more annoying than irking a reporter or segment producer with a pitch that does not fit what they cover.

19. Go beyond the press release. The press release is a template and a guideline but it is not the only thing that gets you media placements.

20. Keep your ears open. That person sitting or standing near you at Starbucks may be the person who has a friend who is a writer for the magazine you wanted to get your client in. Your next contact could be right near you.

21. Talk to everyone. Are you standoffish, judgmental or critical of those around you? The people you run into or see may be the turning point in your PR campaign. Start talking to everyone.

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